Dog guard
With a car dog guard or dog barrier, you can make the transportation of your pets
considerably safer. At Winparts you will find a wide range of universal dog
guards, but you can also find some dog nets. But why is the use of such a guard
so important? What types are there and how should they be mounted? Below you
can read all the information you need.
Why a dog guard car? The use of a car dog barrier is a must if you want to
safely transport your four-legged friend. A dog guard serves as a separation
between the boot and the rear seats. A safe environment for your pet is
therefore created. With a dog barrier, your dog cannot provide a distraction
while driving. You also prevent your pet from being hurled through the car in
an emergency stop or car accident. So, the chance that your pet will be injured
in while driving is considerably smaller when you use a dog guard in your car.
In addition, the use of a car dog guard is in some countries even mandatory.
Types of dog guards for car Different types of dog barriers are available. With
us, however, you will only find universal dog guards. These universal guards
are suitable for almost all brands and types of cars. Of course, you will need
to take a look at the dimensions of the product and the boot of your car. A
universal dog guard is in most cases adjustable in height and width. So, you
can easily adjust the rack to fit in your car.
Winparts you will find two types of dog car racks; ones with mesh and ones with
tubes. The advantage of a mesh dog guard or luggage net is, that small objects
are less likely to fly through your car when you brake. However, a dog barrier
with tubes is often a bit more robust than a mesh one. In addition, a rack with
tubes often offers better visibility for the rear window. However, it is up to
you which fits best with your wishes. Dog guards can also be used as luggage
racks or safety racks. In this case, the barrier serves as a protection against
flying luggage or objects in a sharp turn, emergency stop or accident.
Assembling car dog guard The assembly of a dog rack or dog net is very easy.
You do not need any more tools and it often takes just a few minutes. Most dog
guards can easily be mounted on the headrest of the car seat. There are also
racks that can be clamped with extendable tubes between the roof and the bottom
of the trunk. These racks often have suction cups at the ends. This will
prevent damage to the inside of your car. Dog nets can often be secured with
loops or hooks.
Buy dog guard Buying a dog guard is quick and easy at Winparts. You
have a wide choice of car guards made from different materials and in different
colours. At Winparts you will find everything for the safe transport of your
pet. In addition, to car dog guards and dog nets, you will also find dog belts and dog blankets .